Frequently Asked Questions
Cleaning of the tank is an important part of any systems maintenance. Without cleaning, the solids will build up in the tank and overflow out of the outlet of the tank. Regular cleaning will extend the life of the septic system.
On average a family of four should have their tank cleaned at least every two years.
All tanks seeking normal level between 6 1/2 inches and 12 inches below the top of the tank depending on the tank manufacturer. The average family of four uses 500 gallons of water a day. It sometimes only takes a couple of days to fill back up to working levels.
The Connecticut Department of Health has done studies on the use of additives to septic systems and has found that today no product has proven to be beneficial, while some may harm the system.
Yes you can, you just need to keep your septic tank cleaned more often than normal.
Yes, you should do a septic inspection. Septic systems can be very expensive to replace so it is highly recommended to do a full inspection before purchasing your new home.
Important Hints for a Healthy Septic System
1) Do not overload your septic system.
2) Use water sparingly.
3) Do only full laundry and dishwasher loads at off-peak times if possible.
4) Do not put kitchen grease down the drain.
5) Do not flush cigarettes,sanitary wipes, disposable diapers, or other inorganic material down the toilet.
6) Do not put gasoline, oil, ant freeze, paint, paint thinner, pesticides down the drain just #1 and #2.
7) Use garbage disposal sparingly and increased septic tank cleaning.
8) Make sure plumbing fixtures don\’t leak/run water into the septic.
9) Make sure water softener doesn\’t discharge into the septic system.
How a Septic Tank Works

B&B Septic LLC
98 Spring Hill Rd.
Harwinton, CT 06791
(860) 605-9083